Interpret what you need, define the possible forms of intervention and execute them. We develop our own projects or participate in Strategic Alliances. Engineering, training and experience of our people, together with the use of information technologies, are our strengths.


Interested in ensuring that our professional activities have a useful impact in society. That most of them can be placed in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. Therefore, in order to invest in social action, mainly with our own resources, it is very important to generate wealth, and to design ethical and transparent business lines. This is how Einsmer Business Designer was born in 1995.

We create young employment, with whom we can go so far

Joan N. García-Nieto París
Antoni Vallés i Muntades


One of the most important aspects of our strategic lines. Both in our organization and in society create models that allow us to recover the experience of the elderly. Knowledge can be transferred in infinite ways, however, experience as such, is not. There is only one effective mechanism, at this time, to do it: count on the people who have it. And this little act -see Generational Pact programme, in appearance, is a really a great act with important social and economic consequences in our current model of society. An action that can change everything.

Broad challenges: Manage knowledge in organizations, but also experience; consider it one of our most important business assets - above intangibles, people. And it will be easier when it can be quantified.


IN 1997

Einsmer acquires Can Camprubí thanks to the will of its owner Ciprià Camprubí Domingo, and initiates an important consolidation reform. Technical studies will confirm that this providential intervention prevented its imminent collapse due to structural damage, accumulated since the date of its construction, in 1927.

Josep Maria Jujol Jr., Director of the Jujol Arxiu and first-born son of the Architect Josep Maria Jujol, became our main inspiration during the reform, up to the present day. An admirable and tireless guardian and pedagogue of the Jujol work.


It then became a Center for Research and Innovation in social technologies, studies and projects of local development and as a center for Occupational Training and Higher Education in cooperation with the Institute of Education Sciences or the Chair of Business Organization of the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona of the Polytechnic University of Barcelona) among other institutions.

Jujol Jr. and Josep Mª


years of the 20th century and the interwar periods, the Camprubí family was mainly dedicated to rose breeding, designing and managing of gardens, such as the current AGBAR museum. Standing out, with a recognized international prestige, together with the Dot Family.


Einsmer and all the people who participate in this entrepreneurial project, have had the opportunity to capitalize on this "Camrubí spirit": Contribute to making a better world, working with the utmost will, in any of our initiatives and their smallest details.

Cebrià Camprubí Nadal